Tom Anderson MySpaceAd Age has the scoop that MySpace is poking — hahahaha- wrong network — around for an ad agency to do a branding blitz in support of it oh-so-hotly anticipated relaunch. The News Corp.-owned property has been getting pounded by Facebook, even with its big-time PR screw-ups. Global users, according to Ad Age, has dropped from 127 million to 111 million between April 2009 and April 2010. Facebook has about half a billion.

As a way to stop the bleeding, MySpace is getting its functionality changed out to become more friendly to content producers, musicians, gamers, advertisers… in other words, everyone because… the user experience is horrifying. With it, comes a brand overhaul. Write Rupal Parekh and Michael Learmonth, “Industry executives say the News Corp.-owned company recently put out a request for proposals to several creative shops, asking them to help MySpace get the word out about the relaunch, which will include new features to be introduced in stages starting this summer and a revamped site and logo in the fall.”

Not mentioned in the scope of work as reported is a new tagline. And what’s a major branding campaign without a pithy accompanying sentence that seems to say everything but actually says nothing at all? I’m not sure, but here are a few suggested taglines:

1. “We’ll Violate Your Privacy, Too. Just Give Us a Chance.”

2. “If It’s Good Enough for Axl Rose, It’s Good Enough For You.”

3. “Now With More Sluts” (consumer)

4. “Now With Fewer Sluts” (trade)

5. “Avoiding Rupert’s Paywall Since 2005. Keep the Dream Alive”

Matt Creamer is executive editor of Breaking Media. You can follow him on Twitter at @matt_creamer.