Posts tagged ‘Sally Lyndley’

Over the last two decades, the occupation of stylist has gone from a behind-the-scenes job that those outside of the industry didn’t know existed, to a high-profile position that rivals “fashion editor” in its stature and gloss.

But what does a stylist actually do, and what does one have to do to get to the front of the pack?

We’ve enlisted super stylist Sally Lyndley–who’s worked with everyone from Katie Grand to Victoria Beckham–to give us a little insight into what her job really entails and why she’s so in love with it. Each week, Sally will offer us a peak into her world, from stories on the history of styling to Q&As with some of her favorite people in the industry.

To get things started, we’ve given Sally the Seven Questions… treatment. We’re so excited to have her on board! Read Sally’s interview on Fashionista.

Lauren Sherman is editor of Fashionista, a Breaking Media site.