A Cure for Depression
Search “depression” on Associated Content.com and you’ll find this story, which suggests narcolepsy as a remedy. You might have assumed that having a disorder causing spontaneous sleep attacks throughout the day when also suffering from crushing sadness that often makes getting out of bed impossible us a bad idea. And you would be wrong, in the logic of Ekta Kalra. It turns out that:
If the depressed patient is suffering from narcolepsy then the attentiveness of the depressed patient to the sorrows will not be all that potential. Thus, by reducing the attentiveness of the depressed patient to sorrows, narcolepsy can act as an ultimate bliss in the treatment of depression.
If you’re wondering whether the author is in any way qualified to write on this matter, here is part of Kalra’s bio “orator, writer, philosopher, theologian, researcher and humanist.”