The ABCs of JerseyNana
JerseyNana’s contribution is a sort of alphabet delivered in weekly installment. A is for aerie (“a bird’s nest”), “astronauts” and, of course, “addiction.”
Tweeners, your first word is ADDICTION. It only used to be alcohol, tobacco or drugs that people were ADDICTED to. Nowadays it can be strange things like: food, exercise, eating strange stuff like dirt and paper, blackberry (crackberry), cosmetic surgery, tanning…OMG, what next? If you have a strange ADDICTION, please get help, because it can ruin your life and the lives of others around you.
H is for “hot”:
The second word for you is HOT. Now I know many of you In-Betweeners are HOT to look at and have HOT bodies, but I’m talking to the ones who get or are HOT while the rest of the world is freezing. JerseyPoppy is always cold while Nana is always HOT. So while he is at work, I get to keep the temperature in the house at 62 degrees. When he comes home, it goes up over 72 and Nana wants to go play in the snow in my undies. So if anyone has any suggestions to help us stop the thermostat war; it would be greatly appreciated.