Name | Dimensions | Devices | File formats | Max initial file load size | Subsequent max polite file load size | Video/animation guidelines | Audio initiation | Z-index range | Serving options |
Billboard | 970×250 | desktop | JPG, GIF, PNG, HTML5 (for animated units) | 200k | 1 MB | Minimum 24 fps for video 15 sec max length (unlimited user-initiated) 1.1 MB additional file size allowed for host-initiated video Unlimited file size for user-initiated video |
Must be user initiated (on click: mute/un-mute); default state is muted | 0 – 4,999 | Site-served (JPG, GIF, PNG) or via 3rd party tag (HTML5, JPG, GIF, PNG) (3rd party tags must be compatible with DFP Premium) |
Leaderboard | 728×90 | desktop, tablet | JPG, GIF, PNG, HTML5 (for animated units) | 200k | 1 MB | Minimum 24 fps for video 15 sec max length (unlimited user-initiated) 1.1 MB additional file size allowed for host-initiated video Unlimited file size for user-initiated video |
Must be user initiated (on click: mute/un-mute); default state is muted | 0 – 4,999 | Site-served (JPG, GIF, PNG) or via 3rd party tag (HTML5, JPG, GIF, PNG) (3rd party tags must be compatible with DFP Premium) |
Big Box | 300×600 | desktop | JPG, PNG, HTML5 (for animated units) | 200k | 1 MB | Minimum 24 fps for video 15 sec max length (unlimited user-initiated) 1.1 MB additional file size allowed for host-initiated video Unlimited file size for user-initiated video |
Must be user initiated (on click: mute/un-mute); default state is muted | 0 – 4,999 | Site-served (JPG, GIF, PNG) or via 3rd party tag (HTML5, JPG, GIF, PNG) (3rd party tags must be compatible with DFP Premium) |
Middle Box | 300×250 | desktop, tablet | JPG, GIF, PNG, HTML5 (for animated units) | 200k | 1 MB | 15 sec max animation length Video not allowed for this unit |
No audio | 0 – 4,999 | Site-served (JPG, GIF, PNG) or via 3rd party tag (HTML5, JPG, GIF, PNG) (3rd party tags must be compatible with DFP Premium) |
Interstitial | 640×480 | desktop | JPG, PNG, HTML5 (for animated units) | 200k | 1 MB | Minimum 24 fps for video 15 sec max length (unlimited user-initiated) 1.1 MB additional file size allowed for host-initiated video Unlimited file size for user-initiated video |
Must be user initiated (on click: mute/un-mute); default state is muted | 0 – 4,999 | Site-served (JPG, GIF, PNG) or via 3rd party tag (HTML5, JPG, GIF, PNG) (3rd party tags must be compatible with DFP Premium) |
Mobile leaderboard | 320×50 | mobile | JPG, GIF, PNG | 100k | Host-initiated subload not allowed for this unit | 15 sec max animation length Video not allowed for this unit |
No audio | 0 – 4,999 | Site-served (JPG, GIF, PNG) or via 3rd party tag (HTML5, JPG, GIF, PNG) (3rd party tags must be compatible with DFP Premium) |
Mobile in-content | 300×250 | mobile | JPG, GIF, PNG | 200k | 1 MB | 15 sec max animation length Video not allowed for this unit |
No audio | 0 – 4,999 | Site-served (JPG, GIF, PNG) or via 3rd party tag (HTML5, JPG, GIF, PNG) (3rd party tags must be compatible with DFP Premium) |
Mobile interstitial | 300×250 | mobile | JPG, GIF, PNG | 200k | 1 MB | 15 sec max animation length Video not allowed for this unit “ |
No audio | 0 – 4,999 | Site-served (JPG, GIF, PNG) or via 3rd party tag (HTML5, JPG, GIF, PNG) (3rd party tags must be compatible with DFP Premium) |
Email newsletter leaderboard | 728×90 | email newsletter | JPG, GIF, PNG | 100k | Host-initiated subload not allowed for this unit | 15 sec max animation length Video not allowed for this unit |
No audio | 0 – 4,999 | Site-served. No 3rd party tags. 3rd party click trackers and 1×1 impression tracking pixels can be accommodated. |
Animated Units: Google’s Chrome browser blocks Flash animation by default. Chrome now displays Flash-animated banners with a Play button, rather than allowing them to animate by default. Chrome does allow HTML5 creative to animate by default, so we strongly recommend that clients use HTML5 for animated units. HTML5 creative must be served via 3rd party tags compatible with DFP Premium (GPT).
Targeting Capabilities: Geo, page, section, category and tag
Retargeting Capabilities: Audience extension
Benchmark CTR per Unit Type and per Creative Size: To date we have seen a range of .15%-.25%, with the interactive units at .25%
For the homepage takeovers proposed in the packages, we anticipate 50,000 impressions per daily takeover. We have priced these impressions the same as ROS.
For custom ad solutions such as skins and webvertorials, please send your creative assets to [email protected]. Our in-house team of designers will ensure your campaign achieves maximum wow-factor.