Photo: Closer Mag via Daily Mail

If you thought botox mom was bad, now hear this: 50-year-old Brit Sarah Burge, known as the “Human Barbie” for her addiction to plastic surgery (she’s spent over $800,000 on procedures), is passing on her passion for plastic to her seven-year-old daughter Poppy.

Burge, a party planner and–per the Daily News–an “erotic novelist,” made headlines last year for teaching Poppy to pole dance. Now Burge is racking up column inches again for giving her daughter a $9,850 voucher for a boob job as a seventh birthday present. According to the Daily Mail, Burge told British mag Closer, “Poppy begged me for a boob job, so I gave her the voucher so she can have it after she’s 16, when it’s legal.” Poppy reportedly “squealed with delight” upon opening her present, saying “I can’t wait to be like Mummy with big boobs. They’re pretty.”

Shocked? Appalled? Throwing up a little bit in your mouth? Don’t worry! Burge has preemptively addressed your concerns.

Read more on Fashionista.