Photo: Getty

It’s December 19, 2011 and yet this happened today: A fashion magazine out of the Netherlands published a story on how to dress like Rihanna. The headline? “De Niggabitch.” Really.

Here’s the full excerpt from Jackie magazine, translated by Parlour magazine:

“She has street cred, she has a ghetto ass and she has a golden throat. Rihanna, the good girl gone bad, is the ultimate niggabitch and displays that gladly, and for her that means: what’s on can come off. If that means she’ll be on stage half naked, then so be it. But Dutch winters aren’t like Jamaican ones [Ed. note: Rihanna is not Jamaican], so pick a clothing style in which your daughter can resist minus ten. No to the big sunglasses and the pornheels, and yes to the tiger print, pink shizzle and everything that glitters. Now let’s hope she won’t beat anybody up at daycare.”

Wait. What? TheYBF asked one of their Dutch readers if, by some chance, that word meant something different in the Netherlands. Nope. “The term means exactly what it means in English,” the reader said. “The problem with Dutch people is that often they know exactly what they are saying but as soon as someone confronts them about it we are being too sensitive and wasn’t meant to be offensive…This is not a ‘fashionsta’ term, we say bitch here as well and it means exactly the same as in English, as well as ‘nigga.’ No different meaning whatsoever.” So that clears that up.

As upsetting and hurtful and straight-up stupid as this article is, EIC Eva Hoeke’s “apology” letter, posted on the magazine’s Facebook page, is almost more infuriating…

Read more on Fashionista.